Five Quantum Shifts To Optimize Your Summer Business Growth Flow

natural cycles lab quantum business growth universal laws in action Jun 08, 2022

There is something about long summer days that feels so sweet and so unproductive at the same time. With the energetic draw of late nights and afternoons spent soaking up the sun's vibrant rays, I have always wondered if I was the only one feeling the guilt of not doing and instead of being. 

Here on the shores of the East Coast, summer is nine short weeks to flow differently before cooler evenings and long days of school flood the calendar again. 

For the past few years, and as I am growing older and probably wiser, summers have become a time to slow down, spend more time with my family, and take the opportunity to reset and plan. However, to be completely honest with you, there was a time when the shift into this phase of my natural cycle felt like dropping the ball, a stalling of progress. 

I will say it… FAILURE! Do you feel me? 

I remember... I would rush into summer with manic energy. The looming deadline of summer would be drawing closer with every passing minute. The cycle was always the same, with the hectic energy of desperation in every task.

Summer felt forced and uneasy. I resisted every aspect, and it was not enjoyable. My state of mind always brought me back to the emotional letdown of autumn as my children went back to school, feeling the massive pull 'o 'get back to it' in combination with the overwhelming guilt of not having been present enough. 

I learned my lessons from that mentally hectic time of not allowing my soul, mind, and body to reconnect and be in my summer flow. I always looked for ways to lower the unnecessary (yet present) pressure that the guilt of allowing myself to rest, relax, and enjoy was bringing me. 

I realize now that I was unwilling to step into my genius flow. I had been working AGAINST my natural rhythm and the vision I was DESPERATE to fulfill!

So, below are the five necessary shifts I needed to start optimizing my summers, honoring my natural cycle, and keep activating my quantum success in my life and business.


1. Step Into Your Natural Summer Flow


Awareness is the starting point of all changes. 

We (you) are not in the business of forcing. Pushing through the noise and neglecting your energy will only activate frustration and overwhelm. Why don't you try (for once) the allow yourself to move slower? Try it out and notice how it feels? 

Quick tip: Allowing means releasing the unnecessary judgments and guilt you may face when you switch your gears and decide to go with your flow instead of pushing against it. 

Before I became aware of and present to the natural rhythm of my life, family, and business, everything around me felt like an obstacle.  

Get comfortable with it. 


Below is one way to look at it. 



2. Honor Your Needs, Wants & Desire


Clarity is necessary to take that first step.

Before I stepped into the natural rhythm and cycle of my unique needs, wants, and desires, I needed to know what I really wanted and make peace with it. I needed to know how I wanted to feel and what I wanted to experience during my summertime. 

In three simple words, 


When you are clear about what you want to experience and feel, you start working toward it. One of the best ways I found to honor and hold space for my needs, wants, and desires were to write them down and integrate them into my vision statement. 


3. Integrate Your Summer Desires Into Your Vision


What if we see this time as an opportunity to FLOW in a new way? 

During a recent training, we presented The Natural Cycles Lab, a new way of approaching your vision. It resonated at such a deep level, a natural way of stepping into the natural slowdown that happens during this time of the year. 

This is a season of natural slowing while we hold space for balance outside our work. A time to DREAM and ENVISION, RETREAT, and REST feeding your VISION to prepare for the Autumn months when you will implement the vision you nurture through the next few weeks. 

Great- but HOW?

Our visions are only as good as the energy we put into them. So I encourage you to step into your vision. I encourage you to renew your vision and dream during this time of rest. Revisit the emotions and passion that helped shape your progress. During these next few weeks, I encourage you to ask yourself: 

Where are the places I feel fulfilled and alive? 

Where do I feel misaligned? In these places, what are the SHI(F)Ts needed to bring joy back? 

There will be days when this process comes with more challenge and constriction. In those times, remind yourself that time is a human creation that we often use to punish ourselves. If you truly knew that every aspect of your vision was already alive in you, What steps would you take to move toward it? 


4. Free YourselfDonDon't Hold the Summer Fun Back


There is so much noise out there. And summer is probably the best time to practice our blueprint's "f*ck society's expectations" step.

You need to embrace this concept to enjoy your summer fully. Period. You must also embrace it as you allow your unique natural flow to take over your to-do list.DonDon't let the noise crash your summer vibe. Protect yourself and your energy. 

From my experience, your business will thank you, and you will be much more ready for exponential growth when it's time to be present for the new business cycle that the last quarter of the year is bringing to you in only a few weeks. 

In other words,



5. (TRUST) Expect The Business to Thrive


I like to call this the principle of Joyful Expectation. I learn this concept from Christy Whitman and her fabulous book, The Desire Factor (order it here on

Your expectations and beliefs shape what you want to create for yourself during Summer time. The joyful expectation you'd have about your business thriving will ultimately generate the energy level needed to make it happen. I invite you to combine these with your joyful personal life expectations. 

The next step is what is the most challenging for people, holding the joyful expectations at your heart center and allowing the rest of yourself (mind, body, and soul to act in alignment with these joyful summer experiences you are creating for yourself. 




Natural cycles are not easy to figure out. However, they are essential if your goal is to grow your business with effortless ease and fun. 

Growing your business with ease means that you stop making things happen. It means that you stop forcing yourself and your offer on people not energetically aligned with you. It means you stop pushing through the noise to have your voice heard and your message seen. 

Instead, you step into your birthright's natural flow of possibilities. You start to embody your future self before they happen and allow things to flow easily. It means that you choose appreciation instead of lackDonDon't forget that you are in control of your thoughts and can always choose the emotional channel you tune into. Wouldn't it be easier if you knew how to manage your energy to stay coherent with your business goals and vision? 

Take our quiz here if you are curious about what's holding you and your business back from exponential growth. 

If you wonder what's holding you and your business back from experiencing your first or next quantum growth, take the quiz and discover the one thing you are missing to fast-track your business growth right now. 

Take the Quiz Now